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HAU Korn-Max

The fodder concentrate dispenser HAU Korn-Max can dose the fodder in up to 15 portions distributed across the day.
There are two different models that distinguish by the size of the stainless steel containers. You may choose between a filling capacity of 43 and 55 litres. Both models are equipped with inspection windows to view the quantity left inside. In order to operate the HAU Korn-Max, an additional control unit is required.

As an option the HAU Korn-Max my be equipped with additional sensors e.g. to monitor dispensing of fodder or the presence of a horse.

Benefits of Korn-Max::
+ up to 15 meals per day in hand-sized portions
+ feeding frequency, quantity and time are individually adjustable
+ healthier horses with reduced labor
+ selectable break times within the meal
+ trickle-free dosing with HAU Cell-Dos-Technology
+ integrated error monitoring
+ two sizes: 43L and 55L volume of storage
+ viewing window shows filling level at all times
+ optional: monitoring of the horse’s presence and dosing of the feed
+ optional: remote maintenance and remote control from anywhere via the Internet
+ controlled through the control unit – HCU (HAU Control Unit)
+ assembly and handling are entirely simple

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Compact Control unit

Control Unit (HCU)

Presence monitoring

Monitored dispense

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