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HAU Inspiration Series

Our unique design of the HAU Inspiration Series combines the advantages of a sliding door together with an open concept, friendly stable aisle. With our HAU Inspiration Series, every available model with revolving doors is now also available with sliding doors. The worldwide distinctive design of the Series offers no restriction of headroom. The elegance of revolving door models is fully preserved, regardless of whether they are high or low fronts.

Whether in standard or custom dimensions, safety always comes first. We manufacture according to the specifications of the FN (Fédération Équestre Nationale, Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung e.V.) and the guidelines of the BMEL (Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture) with vertical bars of 3/4″ diameter at a safety spacing of 50 mm.

Hot-dip galvanising is done in accordance with DIN EN ISO 1461. Certainly, every stall front can be powder-coated or manufactured in stainless steel.
Additionally, we offer a selection of numerous types of wood.

Submit enquiry

Fields marked * are mandatory.

Feeding equipment*


Wood type*

Partition walls*

Finish of partition walls

data protection declaration.

14 + 9 =

Get In Touch

+49 (0) 79 61 91 13- 0


Benzstrasse 3
73491 Neuler


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For inquiries, please specify the entire address.